All growth on trees and shrubs comes from the outside. The trees gain girth as they add the seasons living rings to last years. Then all the limb tips add growth, new buds mean new limbs and perhaps blooms. Accordingly, the branches that were climbed by poor tree climbers like me when the trees were 20 feet tall did not move up the tree that grew to 60 feet tall, rather, new branches formed, season by season.
Grass on the other hand is a called a basal growing plant because the growth bud is very close to being under soil level. For example, if the tree in the example above grew basally from 20 to 60 feet, all new growth and wood would be grown from the soil level and those original limbs would still be 20 feet from the top.
Why does this matter?
Because, when you look around your lawn and see spots that are very green and lush and others not, that is just where the dogs peed this winter and the grass is responding to a super feeding. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and, in the winter, urine doesn’t burn like in the summer so you get a reversed reaction. The grass we come out of winter with never greens up, rather new grass grows subsoil, and pushes up the old so we can cut it off. I’m happy to report that grass cutting has officially started and note the first few cuts smell really good.