bensons lawn systems


304 599-6611

3360 Collins Ferry Road
Morgantown, WV 26505

The Benson Letter - February 2022

Winter Isn't Over, But...

Hasn’t this been a pleasant winter so far? Today, on the 12th, as I write this letter, the door is open, the sun’s shining and the air is brisk but wonderful. The beauty of my world is that lawn care is seasonal and now is when we think about how to do our job better and we are going to talk about how you can do better.

It's really good for my ego to think that making treatments of magic pestilence is the only thing that’s keeping your lawn beautiful. That’s not true. Mowing is at least equal to treatments. I’m going to make a case that treatments are going to be no more than a Band-Aid if you don’t mow properly in Morgantown. Diane picked one of her favorite client pets of the month, Patty Cake. Patty Cake and his mom Mary Ann Griffith, make a great team sharing their special love and kindness to Suncrest residents. Now let's get started:

Mowing Basics

Mow when the grass needs cut, not when you feel like it. Cut the grass no short than 3.5 inches.

Learn more in the latest Wisdom Unencumbered by Facts.

Pet of the Month

Because it's February I really feel like spending the most time on this month’s pet Patty Cake or as his mom calls him PC. Most of you are aware that Diane and I live pretty much in the middle of Suncrest on Meridan St. Almost daily PC takes his mom on a walk that covers quite a bid of territory. After all he knows that it's good for both of them.

Patty Cake & Mom

Every step spreads joy for the rest of us folk that are on their path. We are greeted by Mary Ann’s big smile and contagious enthusiasm for life and you know that PC just adds to the package. They walk eagerly forward always discovering new
experiences leaving behind everything better for them having been there. Obviously, I know their lawn because I’ve been blessed with them as clients for many, many years. Knowing that PC has his special lawn spots I always call or text ahead so I don’t mess up his schedule, but I had never been in the home till last week when I stopped by to get her blessing on sharing Patty Cake. I already knew how important Mary Ann was to Suncrest because I knew I wasn’t the only one she called on the anniversary of a love ones passing, or called regularly to see how Diane was doing, but Patty Cake too was the perfect host.

As we sat in her living room and discussed this writing Patty Cake brought me at least 6 of his special possessions to share. Most were special things we could chew on and with each he showed me the best way he had found to make it so special. After dangling it in front of me he would set it to my side and get another, always the gracious host. He was particularly interested when she showed me his favorite photo:

Patty CakeThis was him when he first discovered his home and his purpose. Patty Cake please keep on helping your mom make Suncrest better and Mary Ann, thank you for allowing me to gift your blessing to our Morgantown family. March is almost here so I’m looking forward to seeing you soon in your lawn!

Taming the Urban Jungle